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Additional file 1 of Early identification of macrophage activation syndrome secondary to systemic lupus erythematosus with machine learning

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posted on 2024-05-10, 03:40 authored by Wenxun Lin, Xi Xie, Zhijun Luo, Xiaoqi Chen, Heng Cao, Xun Fang, You Song, Xujing Yuan, Xiaojing Liu, Rong Du
Supplementary Material 1. Supplement Figure S1 Variables selection using the LASSO regression analysis with 5-fold cross-validation. a coefficient profile against the log (lambda). b parameter selection of deviance in the LASSO regression, log of the best lambda was – 1.5 in this study shown as red line. Supplement Table. S1 Model hyperparameters. Supplement Table S2 Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of SLE patients and MAS secondary to SLE. Supplement Table S3 Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of SLE patients and MAS secondary to SLE for external validation. Supplement Table S4 baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of SLE patients and MAS secondary to SLE for original set and validation set. Supplement Figure S. 2 Pearson correlation coefficients of clinical features. The features marked with an asterisk (*) represent derived features calculated from the original feature and its corresponding normal range. Supplement Table S5 Variance inflation factors of clinical features. The features marked with an asterisk (*) represent derived features calculated from the original feature and its corresponding normal range.


National Outstanding Youth Science Fund Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China


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