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Additional file 1 of EBV DNA methylation profiles and its application in distinguishing nasopharyngeal carcinoma and nasal NK/T-cell lymphoma

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-12, 04:41 authored by Cao-Li Tang, Xi-Zhao Li, Ting Zhou, Chang-Mi Deng, Cheng-Tao Jiang, Yu-Meng Zhang, Ying Liao, Tong-Min Wang, Yong-Qiao He, Wen-Qiong Xue, Wei-Hua Jia, Xiao-Hui Zheng
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. EBV DNA methylation detection was conducted in methylated and unmethylated standard plasmids. A Amplification curves of two standard plasmids under FAM fluorescence channel. B Amplification curves of two standard plasmids under HEX fluorescence channel. Fig. S2. Scatter plot comparing the methylation levels of each CpG site within 1,44,189 to 1,45,136 bp of the EBV sequence between the four groups. Fig. S3. Comparison of methylation levels at gene BILF2 CpG sites obtained by capture sequencing between NPC and nasal NKTCL samples. A The methylation levels of BILF2 were compared between NPC and nasal NKTCL nasopharyngeal brushing samples. B Scatter plot comparing the methylation levels of each CpG site on the BILF2 between the two groups. Fig. S4. Comparison of brushing quality between NPC and nasal NKTCL groups. The quality of samples was evaluated by β-globin detection, and there was no significant difference. Fig. S5. The mRNA and protein levels of DNMTs in four types of tumor tissues. A The mRNA levels of DNMTs in lung LELC, parotid LELC, EBVaGC and NPC tissues. B, C The protein levels of DNMTs in lung LELC, parotid LELC, EBVaGC and NPC tissues. Table S1. Clinicopathologic characteristics of the study subjects. Table S2. Performance evaluation of EBV DNA methylation detection method. Table S3. Primers and probe sequence using in this study.


National Key Research and Development Program of China National Natural Science Foundation of China Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province, China the Key Area Research and Development Program of Guangdong Province, China
