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Additional file 1 of Dynamic analysis of the extended space charge layer using chronopotentiometric measurements

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-06-06, 03:36 authored by Inhee Cho, Hyomin Lee, Sung Jae Kim
Additional file 1: Figure S1. In order to obtain the limiting current values, we conducted the voltage-sweeping method in our systems. Under the 20nL/min flows was applied near the Nafion membrane, the limiting current value reaches 12 (nA). Figure S2. The V2nd from the measurement has been obtained with the applied current, I. This result showed that the slope of V2nd–I, which is the overlimiting conductance (OLC) by electro-osmotic flows (EOF) have the constant values as 0.21 nS. Figure S3. The onset time (τC) of electro-convective flows was obtained from the chronopotentiometric measurement. The τC values are between 10 and 30, which result is coincided our scaling theory, τC–O (101). Figure S4. The V1st, which was time-varying potential reflected by the electrical double layer, was obtained from the chronopotentiometric measurement. From this result, the resistance can be calculated by Ohm’s law (REDL = VEDL/I). (b) The RC delay time caused by the electrical double layer was collected in ohmic current regime. The RC delay times in our experiments were almost constant as the value of 18 s regardless of the applied current. From this result, the capacitance can be calculated by (CEDL = tEDL/REDL). Table S1. The electrical components of the equivalent circuit model were calculated by simple calculation. Note that REDL and CEDL remains same regardless of the applied current (I), while RESC and CESC are linearly proportional to the current values (I–Ilim), where Ilim is the limiting current values.


Ministry of Science and ICT
