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Additional file 1 of Differentiating necrotizing soft tissue infections from cellulitis by soft tissue infectious fluid analysis: a pilot study

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-01-09, 04:10 authored by Kai-Hsiang Wu, Po-Han Wu, Chih-Yao Chang, Yen-Ting Kuo, Kuang-Yu Hsiao, Cheng-Ting Hsiao, Shang-Kai Hung, Chia-Peng Chang
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Receiver operation characteristic (ROC) curves and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) demonstrating the diagnostic ability of laboratory data in infectious fascial fluid to predict the diagnosis of NF. The optimal cuff of value of each ROC curve was shown in the figure. (a) Albumin in fluid, (b) LDH in fluid, (c) glucose in fluid, (d) total protein in fluid, (e) lactate in fluid, and (f) pH of fluid.
