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Additional file 1: of Development of pooled testing system for porcine epidemic diarrhoea using real-time fluorescent reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-05-29, 05:00 authored by Thi Mai, Van Diep Nguyen, Wataru Yamazaki, Tamaki Okabayashi, Shuya Mitoma, Kosuke Notsu, Yuta Sakai, Ryoji Yamaguchi, Junzo Norimine, Satoshi Sekiguchi
RT-LAMP primers design for PEDV nucleotide detection. Nucleotide sequence alignments of M gene of seven PEDV strains. Representative M gene sequences in each strain are aligned with clustalW. Sequence data of designing primers for RT-LAMP in this study (KT323979.1), the sequence used for RT-PCR (JX435310.1 and JN089738.1), the sequence of G1b S INDEL strain (KY619833.1), the sequence of G2b/Non S INDEL/North America strain (KY619838.1), the sequence of G2a/Non S INDEL/Asian strain (KJ960178.1), the sequence of NK96P4C6 G1a classical strain (KY619828). Primer recognition sites are indicated with primer names. (DOCX 28 kb)


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
