Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Development of an intervention to support the implementation of evidence-based strategies for optimising antibiotic prescribing in general practice

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-09-16, 03:28 authored by Aleksandra J. Borek, Anne Campbell, Elle Dent, Michael Moore, Christopher C. Butler, Alison Holmes, A. Sarah Walker, Monsey McLeod, Sarah Tonkin-Crine
Supplementary File 1. Complete table of influences on antibiotic prescribing and optimisation. Supplementary File 2. Theoretical Domains Framework constructs and Behaviour Change Techniques. Supplementary File 3. Details of the Antibiotic Optimisation implementation intervention. Supplementary File 4. The TIDieR checklist. Supplementary File 5. The GUIDED checklist.


Economic and Social Research Council
