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Additional file 1 of Development and clinical evaluation of a rapid antibody lateral flow assay for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-24, 03:48 authored by Kesheng Li, Chongxiang Tong, Xiaoqin Ha, Chaoning Zeng, Xia Chen, Feifei Xu, Jinhong Yang, Huifen Du, Yuxin Chen, Jing Cai, Zengwei Yang, Zhongyi Jiang, Dandan Chai, Xueliang Zhang, Xun Li, Junfeng Li, Liqiong Yao
Additional file 1: Fig. S3. Digestionverification of the pET28a-SARS-2-N and pET30a-SARS-2-S1 plasmids. a Plasmid pET28a-SARS-CoV-2-N digestedwith BamH І and Xho І. M: DNA marker. 1: Plasmid pET28a-SARS-CoV-2-N. b Plasmid pET30a-SARS-CoV-2-S1 digestedwith BamH І and Apa І M: DNA marker. 1: Plasmid pET30a-SARS-CoV-2-S1. Fig. S4 Expression and purification of Nprotein and S1 protein of SARS-CoV-2. aSDS-PAGE analysis of N protein showing its expression in E. coli. M: premixed protein marker. 1: protein extracts of uninducedE. Coli. 2: supernatant aftersonication. 3: supernatant after washing pellets with 2 M urea. 4: 8 M ureasolution of the pellet. b SDS-PAGEanalysis of S1 protein showing its expression in E. coli. M: premixed protein marker. 1: protein extracts ofuninduced E. coli. 2: supernatantafter sonication. 3: supernatant after washing inclusion bodies with 2 M urea.4: S1 protein dissolved in 8 M urea. cSDS-PAGE analysis of N protein after purification on the Ni-NTA column. M:premixed protein marker. N: N protein purified on the Ni-NTA column. d SDS-PAGE analysis of purified S1protein. M: premixed protein marker. S1: purified S1 protein after re-folding.


Science and Technology Department of Gansu Province
