Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of DNA methylation signatures of youth-onset type 2 diabetes and exposure to maternal diabetes

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-05-14, 04:21 authored by Ola E. Salama, Nikho Hizon, Melissa Del Vecchio, Kurt Kolsun, Mario A. Fonseca, David T. S. Lin, Oscar Urtatiz, Julia L. MacIsaac, Michael S. Kobor, Elizabeth A. C. Sellers, Vernon W. Dolinsky, Allison B. Dart, Meaghan J. Jones, Brandy A. Wicklow
Additional file 1. Figure 1: (A) Linear regression results of epigenome-wide analysis of associations between youth-onset type 2 diabetes and whole blood DNA methylation. (B) QQ plot of p-values depicting presence of slight inflation (lambda = 1.33).
