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Additional file 1 of Cooperation of MLL1 and Jun in controlling H3K4me3 on enhancers in colorectal cancer

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-11-28, 04:40 authored by Xiang Lin, Ji-Dong Chen, Chen-Yu Wang, Zhen Cai, Rui Zhan, Chen Yang, La-Ying Zhang, Lian-Yun Li, Yong Xiao, Ming-Kai Chen, Min Wu
Additional file 1: Supplementary Figure S1-S12. Fig. S1. Quality control of sequencing data. Fig. S2. Functional analysis of gain and lost Vm3Es in CRC. Fig. S3. Gene browser view of representative gain Vm3Es in CRC. Fig. S4. Validation of identified Vm3Es. Fig. S5. Inhibition of m3Es represses target gene expression. Fig. S6. Functions of the identified Vm3Es on cell proliferation and cell cycle. Fig. S7. Screen of methyltransferases regulating m3E target genes. Fig. S8. OICR-9429 treatment repressed the identified m3Es. Fig. S9. C646 treatment repressed histone modifications on the identified Vm3Es. Fig. S10. JUN regulates the identified Vm3Es in CRC. Fig. S11. JUN binds to H3K4me3 enhancer loci in the AOM-DSS induced CRC model. Fig. S12. OICR-9429 treatment repressed CRC.


National Natural Science Foundation of China Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities Hebei Provincial Key Research Projects
