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Additional file 1 of Circulating metabolic profile in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: data from the IPF-PRO Registry

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posted on 2024-01-26, 04:40 authored by Ross Summer, Jamie L. Todd, Megan L. Neely, L. Jason Lobo, Andrew Namen, L. Kristin Newby, Shirin Shafazand, Sally Suliman, Christian Hesslinger, Sascha Keller, Thomas B. Leonard, Scott M. Palmer, Olga Ilkayeva, Michael J. Muehlbauer, Christopher B. Newgard, Jesse Roman
Additional file 1: Table S1. Concentrations of metabolites in the IPF and control cohorts; Table S2. Concentrations of clinical analytes in the IPF and control cohorts; Table S3. Differences in metabolite levels between IPF cases and controls; Table S4. Differences in clinical analyte levels between the IPF and control cohorts; Table S5. Differences in metabolite and clinical analyte levels between patients with IPF who were and were not using anti-fibrotic therapy at enrollment; Table S6. Associations of circulating metabolites with DLco % predicted at enrollment in patients with IPF, unadjusted and adjusted for use of anti-fibrotic therapy at enrollment; Table S7. Association of circulating metabolites with FVC % predicted at enrollment in patients with IPF, unadjusted and adjusted for use of anti-fibrotic therapy at enrollment; Table S8. Association of circulating metabolites with composite physiologic index at enrollment in patients with IPF unadjusted and adjusted for use of anti-fibrotic therapy at enrollment; Figure S1. Adjusted univariate associations between metabolites and risk of outcomes


The IPF-PRO/ILD-PRO Registry is supported by Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc (BIPI) and run in collaboration with the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) and enrolling centers.


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