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Additional file 1 of Circulating cell-free DNA methylation patterns as non-invasive biomarkers to monitor colorectal cancer treatment efficacy without referencing primary site mutation profiles

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-04, 04:41 authored by Kazuya Yasui, Toshiaki Toshima, Ryo Inada, Yuzo Umeda, Shuya Yano, Hiroaki Tanioka, Akihiro Nyuya, Toshiyoshi Fujiwara, Takeshi Yamada, Yoshio Naomoto, Ajay Goel, Takeshi Nagasaka
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Study Flow Charts. Fig. S2. Representative Hi-SA results for ccfDNA. Fig. S3. Association between the first and second methylation rates in two independent Hi-SA analyses. Fig. S4. Summary of Blood Sample Analyses. Table S1. The comparison of the mean beta value between tumor and normal mucosa on EFEMP1 locus. Table S2. The comparison of the mean beta value between tumor and normal mucosa on SFRP2 locus. Table S3. The comparison of the mean beta value between tumor and normal mucosa on UNC5C locus. Table S4. The associations between clinical characteristics and methylation status in each locus. Table S5. Clinical feature of spreading methylation in EFEMP1, SFRP2, and UNC5C. Table S6. Associations between clinical characteristics and the methylation score. Table S7. Clinical characteristics of CRC patients and control subjects for ccfDNA methylation analyses. Table S8. The cut-off values of scores for sensitivity in patients with CRC who are correctly identified as having the disease (true positives), as well as their 1-specificity for the proportion of individuals without the disease who are incorrectly identified as having the disease (false positives). Table S9. Clinical information and methylation status in the three genes of the six mCRC patients. Table S10. Primer sets of the Combined bisulfite restriction analysis (COBRA) with fluorescence dyes and High-sensitive assay for bisulfite DNA (Hi-SA).


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
