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Additional file 1 of Changes over time in latent patterns of childhood-to-adulthood BMI development in Great Britain: evidence from three cohorts born in 1946, 1958, and 1970

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-04-21, 03:38 authored by T. Norris, M. Hamer, R. Hardy, L. Li, K. K. Ong, G. B. Ploubidis, R. Viner, W. Johnson
Additional file 1: Text S1. Mixture modelling. Table S1. Description of the longitudinal anthropometric data: males. Table S2. Description of the longitudinal anthropometric data: females. Table S3. Characteristics of those included in the final sample (n = 25 655) vs those excluded for having less than 3 BMI measurements (n = 10 538). Table S4. Comparison of the BIC between mixture models (1–7 classes) with different specifications: males. Table S5. Comparison of the BIC between mixture models (1–7 classes) with different specifications: females. Table S6. Summary of final mixture models (1–7 classes): males. Table S7. Summary of final mixture models (1–7 classes): females. Figure S1. Distribution of posterior probabilities for assigned class membership for the selected 4-class model: males. Figure S2. Distribution of posterior probabilities for assigned class membership for the selected 4-class model: females. Table S8. Descriptive statistics for each BMI trajectory latent class: males (n = 12 465). Table S9. Descriptive statistics for each BMI trajectory latent class: females (n = 13 190).


Medical Research Council Economic and Social Research Council
