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Additional file 1 of Change in public awareness of colorectal cancer symptoms following the Be Cancer Alert Campaign in the multi-ethnic population of Malaysia

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-03-26, 04:20 authored by Désirée Schliemann, Darishiani Paramasivam, Maznah Dahlui, Christopher R. Cardwell, Saunthari Somasundaram, Nor Saleha Binti Ibrahim Tamin, Conan Donnelly, Tin Tin Su, Michael Donnelly
Additional file 1: Table 1. Information about all campaign activities and media used during BCAC-CRC. Table 2. Socio-demographic characteristics of post-campaign respondents by ethnic group. Table 3. Change in average prompted knowledge score. Table 4. Number of iFOBTs and colonoscopies undertaken by gender (January – July 2018). Table 5. Number of iFOBTs and colonoscopies undertaken by ethnicity (January – July 2018). Table 6. Number of iFOBTs undertaken by age group (January – July 2018). Figure 1. Advertisement channels through which participants noticed the BCAC-CRC advertisements (unprompted). Figure 2. Advertisement channels through which participants noticed the BCAC-CRC advertisements (prompted) and thoughts on materials. Figure 3. Difference in campaign material reach between ethnicities.


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