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Additional file 1 of Cerebrospinal fluid GFAP is a predictive biomarker for conversion to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease-associated biomarkers alterations among de novo Parkinson’s disease patients: a prospective cohort study

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-07-21, 03:18 authored by Tingting Liu, Hongzhou Zuo, Di Ma, Dan Song, Yuying Zhao, Oumei Cheng
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Quantile–Quantile plot of GFAP. Figure S2. CSF GFAP concentration was positively correlated with age. Figure S3. Relationships between Aβ42 and T-tau or P-tau were mediated by baseline CSF GFAP. Figure S4. Relationship between CSF GFAP and longitudinal cognitive decline. Table S1. Number of data-points of longitudinal CSF biomarkers and cognitive assessments. Table S2. Baseline correlation of GFAP with CSF biomarkers and cognitive assessments. Table S3. Effects of baseline GFAP (continuous value) on longitudinal CSF biomarkers and cognitive progression. Table S4. Effects of baseline GFAP on longitudinal CSF biomarkers and cognitive progression in the tertiles. Table S5. Effects of baseline GFAP*time (continuous value) on longitudinal CSF biomarkers and cognitive progression. Table S6. Effects of baseline GFAP*time on longitudinal CSF biomarkers and cognitive progression in the tertiles. Table S7. Progression risk from NC to MCI or dementia or from MCI to dementia. Table S8. Prediction of baseline GFAP and GFAP*time in male and female patients with de novo PD. Table S9. Prediction of baseline GFAP and GFAP*time in de novo PD patients aged < 56 and ≥ 65. Table S10. Prediction of baseline GFAP and GFAP*time in patients with PD–NC and PD–MCI. Table S11. Prediction of baseline GFAP and GFAP*time in new-onset PD patients carrying APOE ε4 or not. Table S12. Prediction of baseline GFAP and GFAP*time in patients with Amyloid-PD and Amyloid + PD.


National Natural Science Foundation of China National Key Clinical Specialties Construction Program of China
