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Additional file 1 of Blood transcriptomic discrimination of bacterial and viral infections in the emergency department: a multi-cohort observational validation study

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Version 2 2020-09-03, 03:51
Version 1 2020-07-21, 05:05
journal contribution
posted on 2020-09-03, 03:51 authored by Dayle Sampson, Thomas D. Yager, Brian Fox, Laura Shallcross, Leo McHugh, Therese Seldon, Antony Rapisarda, Roslyn A. Hendriks, Richard B. Brandon, Krupa Navalkar, Nandi Simpson, Sian Stafford, Eliza Gil, Cristina Venturini, Evi Tsaliki, Jennifer Roe, Benjamin Chain, Mahdad Noursadeghi
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Comparison of Nanostring and RNAseq derived blood transcriptional signature scores. Figure S2. Demographic and microbiological summary of the ED fever cohort. Figure S3. Comparison of SpeticyteTM TRIAGE, SepticyteTM VIRUS and combined SpeticyteTM scores in pooled case-control data of bacterial and viral infections. Figure S4. Negative predictive value of different biomarkers for identification of ED patients with proven bacterial infection. Figure S5. Comparison of peripheral blood leukocyte count and C reactive protein levels with blood transcriptional biomarkers.


Wellcome Trust National Institute for Health Research Medical Research Council
