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Additional file 1 of Association of socioeconomic deprivation with outcomes in critically ill adult patients: an observational prospective multicenter cohort study

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-04-10, 03:41 authored by Morgan Benaïs, Matthieu Duprey, Laura Federici, Michel Arnaout, Pierre Mora, Marc Amouretti, Irma Bourgeon-Ghittori, Stéphane Gaudry, Pierre Garçon, Danielle Reuter, Guillaume Geri, Bruno Megarbane, Jordane Lebut, Armand Mekontso-Dessap, Jean-Damien Ricard, Daniel da Silva, Etienne de Montmollin
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Figure. Directed acyclic graph and rational for variable selection. Figure S2. Figure. Study flowchart. Figure S3. Figure. Poverty rate in the greater Paris area (2017), and location of participating centers. Figure S4. Figure. Frequency of socioeconomic deprivation dimensions among each phenotype, using a binary classification. Figure S5. Figure. Distribution of socioeconomic phenotypes according to participating center. Table S1. Table. Detailed socioeconomic characteristics of the study population. Table S2. Table. Patients’ characteristics and outcomes according to inclusion center. Table S3. Table. Evaluation of the association of each individual socioeconomic deprivation factor with 180-day mortality (sensitivity analysis). Table S4. Table. Evaluation of the association of cumulative socioeconomic deprivation with 180-day mortality (sensitivity analysis). Table S5. Table. Multivariable analyses of factors associated with 180-day mortality in patients with suboptimal clustering characteristics reclassified to the nearest neighboring cluster (sensitivity analysis). Table S6. Table. Multivariable analyses of factors associated with 180-day mortality, without adjustment on alcohol and opiate use (sensitivity analysis). Table S7. Table. Diagnosis of communicable, maternal, neonatal and nutritional diseases at ICU discharge for the complete population and according to socioeconomic phenotypes. Table S8. Table. Diagnosis of Injuries at ICU discharge for the complete population and according to socioeconomic phenotypes. Table S9. Table. Diagnosis of non-communicable diseases at ICU discharge for the complete population and according to socioeconomic phenotypes.
