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Additional file 1 of Association of physical activity and screen time with cardiovascular disease risk in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-05-19, 03:21 authored by Jason M. Nagata, Shayna Weinstein, Sana Alsamman, Christopher M. Lee, Erin E. Dooley, Kyle T. Ganson, Alexander Testa, Holly C. Gooding, Orsolya Kiss, Fiona C. Baker, Kelley Pettee Gabriel
Additional File 1: Appendix A. Flow diagram of included participants. Appendix B. Comparison of participants included vs excluded due to missing data; Appendix C. Associations between screen time and step count categories and binary cardiovascular disease risk (CVD) outcomes in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study


National Institutes of Health Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
