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Additional file 1 of An investigation of cancer survival inequalities associated with individual-level socio-economic status, area-level deprivation, and contextual effects, in a cancer patient cohort in England and Wales

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-01-14, 05:07 authored by Fiona C. Ingleby, Laura M. Woods, Iain M. Atherton, Matthew Baker, Lucy Elliss-Brookes, Aurélien Belot
Additional file 1 This document contains six supplementary tables, as referenced in the text. Table S1 contains details of the alternative models examined during the model building stage of the analysis, and shows the model with the best fit that was used to interpret the main results. Table S2 shows the age distribution of patients (by cancer site and sex) for the ONS-LS cohort used in the analysis, compared to the whole population of England and Wales. This information is used to assess representativeness of the study cohort. Table S3 shows the excess hazard ratios estimated from the best models for analysis aim 1, and supports Fig. 1 in the main manuscript, which illustrates these same data. Table S4 shows the results of the likelihood ratio tests of the individual socio-economic variables included in the models for analysis aim 1. Table S5 shows the excess hazard ratios estimated from the best models for analysis aim 2, and supports Fig. 2 in the main manuscript, which illustrates these same data. Table S6 gives the net survival (as estimated from the best fit model) for each cancer site and sex, across each of the individual-level socio-economic groups, within both the most and least deprived deprivation contexts. This data supports that shown in the main manuscript Fig. 3, and Table S6 additionally provides confidence intervals around each estimate.
