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Additional file 1 of Alzheimer’s disease-related transcriptional sex differences in myeloid cells

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posted on 2022-10-06, 07:36 authored by Isabelle Coales, Stergios Tsartsalis, Nurun Fancy, Maria Weinert, Daniel Clode, David Owen, Paul M. Matthews
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Expression of microglial genes in MGLs. Violin and box plots of the normalized expression counts of key microglial genes, including IBA1/AIF1, ITGAM (CD11b), ITGAX (CD11c), P2RY12, TMEM119, and CX3CR1 in male and female induced pluripotent stem cell-derived microglial-like cells (MGLs). Figure S2. Sex labelling and identification of a population of post-menopausal female and age-matched male monocytes. A Histogram showing expression counts of the Y-chromosomal gene, RPS4Y1, in a collection of 1202 monocyte samples derived taken from the publicly available microarray data set E-GEOD-56047. To sex the samples, expression counts of RPS4Y1 which fell below 200 were classed as female whilst expression counts exceeding 3,750 were classed as male. Samples whose expression fell between these values were left as unknowns. B Box and whisker plot showing the age of MCs following exclusion of all samples younger than 59 years of age, n = 297 male, 296 female, and 56 unknown. Figure S3. Serum concentrations of E2. Box plot showing differences in the serum concentrations of 17β-estradiol (E2). Significance was determined via an unpaired t test for the male–female comparisons and a paired t test to compare across the menstrual cycle. Samples whose serum E2 fell below 100 pg/mL were not able to be quantified and thus they were excluded from the analysis. FDR corrected p values are shown. (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01). Figure S4. Oestrogen receptor expression in MGLs. Violin and box plots showing the kernel probability, the median, and interquartile range of the normalized expression counts of ESR1 and GPER1.


Medical Research Council Doctoral Training Programme Swiss National Science Foundation Prof Dr Max Cloëtta Foundation University Hospitals of Geneva Jean and Madeleine Vachoux Foundation MRC Clinical Scientist Award MRC Pathfinder Award Edmond J Safra Foundation Lily Safra NIHR Senior Investigator Award UK Dementia Research Institute


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