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Additional file 1 of Administration of Maresin-1 ameliorates the physiopathology of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-02-03, 04:32 authored by Alba Sánchez-Fernández, Stephanie Zandee, Mauricio Mastrogiovanni, Marc Charabati, Homero Rubbo, Alexandre Prat, Rubèn López-Vales
Additional file 1. Fig. S1. MaR1 reduces the accumulation of immune cells in the spinal cord of mice at the peak of EAE. Fig. S2. MaR1 modulates T cells responses in the spinal cord of EAE mice. Fig. S3. MaR1 modulates the macrophages and microglia phenotypes towards a more anti-inflammatory phenotype. Fig. S4. Effects of the treatment with MaR1 in the expression of adhesion molecules on immune cells in the spinal cord at the peak of EAE. Fig. S5. Effects of MaR1 in axonal damage in the lesioned areas of the spinal cord at the peak of EAE. Table S1. Descriptive information about human samples of MS patients and healthy controls used for QPCR analysis. Table S2. Descriptive information about human samples of MS patients and healthy controls used for lipidomic analysis. Table S3. Cytokine expression in the spinal cord of naïve, vehicle- and MaR1-treated mice at the peak of EAE.


Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad Wings for Life “la Caixa” Foundation Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades


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