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Additional file 1 of Adipose-derived exosomal miR-421 targets CBX7 and promotes metastatic potential in ovarian cancer cells

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-12-01, 04:40 authored by Yi Zhang, Roslyn Tedja, Michael Millman, Terrence Wong, Alexandra Fox, Hussein Chehade, Meyer Gershater, Nicholas Adzibolosu, Radhika Gogoi, Matthew Anderson, Thomas Rutherford, Zhenggang Zhang, Michael Chopp, Gil Mor, Ayesha B. Alvero
Additional file 1: Supplementary Figure 1. Loss of CBX7 is sufficient to enhance migration. (A) CBX7 was stably knocked-down in OCSC1-F2 human OC cells using CRISPR-Cas9. (A) Expression of CBX7 was determined by Western blot analysis; (B) Effect on migration was determined using trans-well migration assay. WT, wild-type; g1, guide RNA 1; g2, guide RNA 2. Supplementary Figure 2. CBX7 protein downregulation is not associated with changes in mRNA. OVCAR3 and OCSC1-F1 human OC cells were cultured in ACM for 5 days and effect on CBX7 mRNA was determined by qPCR. NT, Control no treatment cells were cultured in growth media.


National Institutes of Health The Janet Burros Memorial Foundation
