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Additional file 1 of Accuracy of clinicians’ ability to predict the need for renal replacement therapy: a prospective multicenter study

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-10-16, 03:12 authored by Alexandre Sitbon, Michael Darmon, Guillaume Geri, Paul Jaubert, Pauline Lamouche-Wilquin, Clément Monet, Lucie Le Fèvre, Marie Baron, Marie-Line Harlay, Côme Bureau, Olivier Joannes-Boyau, Claire Dupuis, Damien Contou, Virginie Lemiale, Marie Simon, Christophe Vinsonneau, Clarisse Blayau, Frederic Jacobs, Lara Zafrani
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Physician prediction: Visual Likert Scale. Figure S2. PresagEER study timeline. Table S1. Delays between ICU admission, AKI diagnosis and RRT initiation. Table S2. RRT characteristics. Table S3. Characteristics and outcomes of AKI patients (n (%) or median (IQR)). Table S4. Multivariate analysis including variables associated with the risk of requiring RRT (without physician prediction).
