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Additional file 1 of Ability of procalcitonin to distinguish between bacterial and nonbacterial infection in severe acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary syndrome in the ICU

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-03-07, 04:39 authored by Cédric Daubin, François Fournel, Fabrice Thiollière, Fabrice Daviaud, Michel Ramakers, Andréa Polito, Bernard Flocard, Xavier Valette, Damien Du Cheyron, Nicolas Terzi, Muriel Fartoukh, Stephane Allouche, Jean-Jacques Parienti
Additional file 1: Online Resource 1. Detailed information regarding inclusion, no inclusion and exclusion criteria and definitions. Online Resource 2. PCT levels at inclusion (PCT-H0), at six hours (PCT-H6) and day 1 (PCT-H24) after inclusion, in subgroups of patients with (ATB+) (Panel a-c) and without (ATB-) (Panel d-f) antibiotics at inclusion. Online Resource 3. PCT levels at inclusion (PCT-H0), at six hours (PCT-H6) and day 1 (PCT-H24) after inclusion, in subgroups of patients with (PNP+) (Panel a-c) or without (PNP-) (Panel d-f) pneumonia at inclusion. Online Resource 4. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves at any time (i.e., H0, H6 and H24 after inclusion) for the prediction of documented bacterial infection (including bacterial and viral coinfection) vs nondocumented bacterial infection (i.e., documented viral infection alone or absence of documented pathogen) for the PCT levels in subgroups of patients with (ATB+) (Panel a-c) and without (ATB-) (Panel d-f) antibiotics at inclusion. Online Resource 5. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves at any time (i.e., H0, H6 and H24 after inclusion) for the prediction of documented bacterial infection (including bacterial and viral coinfection) vs nondocumented bacterial infection (i.e., documented viral infection alone or absence of documented pathogen) for the PCT levels in subgroups of patients with (PNP+) (Panel a-c) or without (PNP-) (Panel d-f) pneumonia at inclusion.
