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Additional file 1: of A pharmacogenetic pilot study reveals MTHFR, DRD3, and MDR1 polymorphisms as biomarker candidates for slow atorvastatin metabolizers

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-02-08, 05:00 authored by Rafael León-Cachón, Jorge Ascacio-Martínez, María Gamino-Peña, Ricardo Cerda-Flores, Irene Meester, Hugo Gallardo-Blanco, Magdalena Gómez-Silva, Everardo Piñeyro-Garza, Hugo Barrera-Saldaña
Allele and genotype frequencies of polymorphism in genes involved in drug metabolism and response. HWE = Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, P = gene present, A = gene absent, ǂ = genotypes with frequency < 0.01, ¥ = not calculated. (DOCX 33 kb)
