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Additional file 1 of A novel small diameter nanotextile arterial graft is associated with surgical feasibility and safety and increased transmural endothelial ingrowth in pig

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Version 2 2022-04-06, 03:26
Version 1 2022-02-09, 09:13
journal contribution
posted on 2022-04-06, 03:26 authored by John Joseph, Vito Domenico Bruno, Nadiah Sulaiman, Alexander Ward, Thomas W. Johnson, Helna Mary Baby, Praveen Kerala Varma, Rajesh Jose, Shantikumar V. Nair, Deepthy Menon, Sarah Jane George, Raimondo Ascione
Additional file 1: Materials and Methods, Figure S1. Mechanical properties of NanoGrafts a) High radial stiffness to resist distortion and compression b) Superior suture retention that demonstrates resistance to wear and tear edges c) Adequate tensile strength to prevent graft rupture. Figure S2. ePTFE grafts showed significant suture line oozing after the restoration of arterial blood flow following anastomosis with 7-0 sutures. Figure S3. The histopathological finding of the midsection of grafted ePTFE at 2 weeks a) total thrombotic occlusion at the luminal region b and c) higher magnification showing intact fibrin-clot at the graft interface. Figure S4. The histopathological finding of the midsection of grafted ePTFE at 2 weeks showing dense infiltration of immune cells in the abluminal section characterised by presence of lymphocytes (white arrows), macrophages (green arrow) and neutrophils (yellow arrows). Figure S5. En face immunofluorescence staining of NanoGraft at 2 weeks showed tight endothelial junctions (green -agglutinin on Endothelial, blue- DAPI nucleus).
