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Additional file 1 of A multicentric prospective observational study of diagnosis and prognosis features in ICU mesenteric ischemia: the DIAGOMI study

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-04-13, 10:32 authored by Simon Bourcier, Guillaume Ulmann, Matthieu Jamme, Guillaume Savary, Marine Paul, Sarah Benghanem, Jean-Rémi Lavillegrand, Matthieu Schmidt, Charles-Edouard Luyt, Eric Maury, Alain Combes, Frédéric Pène, Nathalie Neveux, Alain Cariou
Additional file 1: Table S1. Demographic and inclusion criteria among patients with defined and ruled out NOMI. Table S2. Demographic and inclusion criteria among patients with gastrointestinal failure with defined and ruled out intestinal necrosis. Table S3. Digestive, biological parameters and CT results among patients with defined and ruled out NOMI. Table S4. Description of prognosis features according to ICU survival of patients with definite intestinal necrosis. Table S5. Description of prognosis features according to ICU survival of patients with NOMI. Table S6. Cox proportional hazards model univariable analysis of ICU mortality associated factors in patients with definite NOMI. Table S7. Description of surgical and endoscopic findings for patients with definite necrosis. Table S8. Amount of missing data for each biological variable.
