Springer Nature
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Additional file 1: Table S1. of Longitudinal changes in desired body weight compared to changes in body weight: evidence of adaptation to weight gain?

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-09-21, 05:00 authored by Nils Aars, Bjarne Jacobsen
Cross-sectional analysis of measured and desired weight, and the difference between them, among men in Tromsø 5 (2001–2002). Table S2. Cross-sectional analysis of measured and desired weight, and the difference between them, among women in Tromsø 5 (2001–2002). Table S3. Cross-sectional analysis of measured and desired weight, and the difference between them, among men in Tromsø 6 (2007–2008). Table S4. Cross-sectional analysis of measured and desired weight, and the difference between them, among women in Tromsø 6 (2007–2008). (DOCX 27 kb)
