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Additional file 1: Table S1. of Independent associations between arterial bicarbonate, apnea severity and hypertension in obstructive sleep apnea

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-06-28, 05:00 authored by Davoud Eskandari, Ding Zou, Ludger Grote, Hartmut Schneider, Thomas Penzel, Jan Hedner
Normotensive patient characteristics across StHCO3- quartiles (n = 388). Table S2. Association between LogStHCO3 - and systolic blood pressure in a generalized linear model. Table S3. Association between LogStHCO3 - and diastolic blood pressure in a generalized linear model. Figure S1. Relationship between pCO2 and stHCO3 - (Spearman correlation). Figure S2. Relationship between apnea hypopnea index and stHCO3 - (Spearman correlation). (DOCX 107 kb)


