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Additional file 1: Table S1. of Aberrant functioning of the theory-of-mind network in children and adolescents with autism

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posted on 2015-10-27, 05:00 authored by Rajesh Kana, Jose Maximo, Diane Williams, Timothy Keller, Sarah Schipul, Vladimir Cherkassky, Nancy Minshew, Marcel Just
Seed ROI coordinates for fcMRI analysis. Table S2. Reaction time and error rate for all experimental conditions. Table S3. fMRI BOLD activation for ToM vs. random animation. Table S4. fMRI BOLD activation for GD vs. random animation. Figure S1. Within-group results for the contrast goal-directed vs. random animation for the a) TD group, and b) ASD group (p < 0.05, FWE corr.). Figure S2. Mean dot plots of each ROI for both TD and ASD groups for the contrast theory-of-mind vs. random (*p < 0.1, uncorrected; **p < .05, uncorrected; ***p < .05, FDR corrected, for the test of the difference in activation between groups). Figure S3. Mean dot plots for B) frontal-medial, C) frontal-parietal, and D) medial-cerebellum connectivity during ToM, GD, and RD conditions (*p < 0.1, uncorrected; **p < .05, uncorrected; ***p < .05, FDR corrected, for the test of the difference in connectivity between groups).


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