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Additional file 1: Figure S1. of The senescent methylome and its relationship with cancer, ageing and germline genetic variation in humans

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journal contribution
posted on 2015-09-17, 05:00 authored by Robert Lowe, Marita Overhoff, Sreeram Ramagopalan, James Garbe, James Koh, Martha Stampfer, David Beach, Vardhman Rakyan, Cleo Bishop
Model of senescence barriers in cultured HMECs. Figure S2. Morphology of DS cells following transfection. Figure S3. Comparison of the methylation state between EP and DS technical replicates for experiment 1. Figure S4. Comparison of the methylation state between EP and DS technical replicates for experiment 2. Figure S5. Comparison of average methylation between experiment 1 and 2 for EP and DS cells. Figure S6. Genomic feature analysis of senDMPs. Figure S7. The FACs sorting protocol. Figure S8. Decreased expression of p16 following reversal. Figure S9. Decreased expression of IL-6 and IL-8 following reversal. Figure S10. Increased expression of Polycomb proteins following reversal. Figure S11. Random permutation tests for hyper and hypo methylated Cpg sites. Figure S12. Average beta values for senDMPs in normal breast tissue samples. Figure S13. Average beta values for experiment 1 only senDMPs in eight different tissues. Figure S14. Average beta values for experiment 2 only senDMPs in eight different tissues. Figure S15. Average beta values for agree only senDMPs in eight different tissues. Figure S16. Plot showing the fraction of hypersenDMPs that showed a positive methylation and genotype correlation and hypo-senDMPs that showed a negative methylation genotype correlation (red) for different correlation cut offs. (DOC 2.43 mb)


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