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Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Rifampin use in acute community-acquired meningitis in intensive care units: the French retrospective cohort ACAM-ICU study

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Version 2 2021-08-03, 03:38
Version 1 2016-12-16, 03:37
journal contribution
posted on 2015-08-26, 05:00 authored by Cédric Bretonnière, Mathieu Jozwiak, Christophe Girault, Pascal Beuret, Jean-Louis Trouillet, Nadia Anguel, Jocelyne Caillon, Gilles Potel, Daniel Villers, David Boutoille, Christophe Guitton
Bacteria involved in 136 episodes of meningitis. Figure S2. Glasgow Outcome Scale scores for the groups of patients who did or did not receive rifampin for community-acquired meningitis. Figure S3. Glasgow Outcome Scale scores for the groups of patients who did or not receive early rifampin (within the first 24 h of hospitalization) or not for community-acquired meningitis. Table S1. Comparison of patient characteristics, severity at ICU admission, 9pt?>microbiological data, and therapeutic measures between survivors and non-survivors after ICU admission for pneumococcal meningitis (n=76). Table S2. Factors associated with ICU mortality for a cohort of 76 patients admitted for pneumococcal meningitis. (PDF 157 kb)


Association pour le Développement de la Réanimation (ADR)
