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Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Comparative genomics reveals Cyclospora cayetanensis possesses coccidia-like metabolism and invasion components but unique surface antigens

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-04-30, 05:00 authored by Shiyou Liu, Lin Wang, Huajun Zheng, Zhixiao Xu, Dawn Roellig, Na Li, Michael Frace, Kevin Tang, Michael Arrowood, Delynn Moss, Longxian Zhang, Yaoyu Feng, Lihua Xiao
De novo assembly of Cyclospora cayetanensis. A total of 4,811 contigs with an overall length of 46,816,962 bp, mean length of 9,713 bp, and N50 contig length of 55,741 bp, were generated in the de novo assembly of sequences. (DOCX 71 kb)


National Natural Science Foundation of China
