Springer Nature
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Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Additive value of pre-operative and one-month post-operative lymphocyte count for death-risk stratification in patients with resectable pancreatic cancer: a multicentric study

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-10-26, 05:00 authored by Christelle d’Engremont, Dewi Vernerey, Anne-Laure Pointet, Gaël Simone, Francine Fein, Bruno Heyd, Stéphane Koch, Lucine Vuitton, Stefano Kim, Marine Jary, Najib Lamfichek, Celia Turco, Zaher Lakkis, Anne Berger, Franck Bonnetain, Julien Taieb, Philippe Bachellier, Christophe Borg
Overall survival according to cohort set. (PDF 85 kb)
