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Additional file 15 of Identification and integrative analysis of ACLY and related gene panels associated with immune microenvironment reveal prognostic significance in hepatocellular carcinoma

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-04, 03:23 authored by Yunfeng Xu, Ze Zhang, Da Xu, Xin Yang, Lina Zhou, Ying Zhu
Additional file 15: Figure S15. LASSO Cox regression model demonstrated insufficient predict power for a panel of TIICs. Each label represents for a type of TIIC. (A) Correlation matrix revealed no multicollinearity among 4 TIICs. (B) Forest plot demonstrated HR and p value of multivariate Cox model enrolled TIICs. Each TIIC has enough power to predict survival outcome. (C) Time-dependent ROC curves of different time length for optimal observation time window. The best time window of the panel is still poor for prediction. (D) Kaplan–Meier survival analysis showed no difference between high and low infiltration group. There is also no qualified TIIC to establish a predictive model when DEGs are included. A69, CD4+ T cell Th2 XCELL; A70, B cell plasma CIBERSORT; A95, CD8+ T cell CIBERSORT; A101, Macrophage M0 CIBERSORT.


national natural science foundation of china
