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Additional file 10 of SalmoSim: the development of a three-compartment in vitro simulator of the Atlantic salmon GI tract and associated microbial communities

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-09-01, 03:32 authored by Raminta Kazlauskaite, Bachar Cheaib, Chloe Heys, Umer Zeeshan Ijaz, Stephanie Connelly, William Sloan, Julie Russel, Laura Rubio, John Sweetman, Alex Kitts, Philip McGinnity, Philip Lyons, Martin Llewellyn
Additional file 9: Figure S3. Stability within SalmoSim system calculated by using unweighted and weighted UniFrac values for pairwise beta diversity analysis. The figure represents microbial stability within the SalmoSim system (data from all gut compartments combined) as the pairwise beta diversity comparison between different sampling time points (days), calculated by using A unweighted (0%) and B weighted (100%) UniFrac as a distance measure. A small p-value indicates that the two time points are statistically different, and p>0.05 indicates that two time points are not statistically different. The colour key illustrates the p-value: red end of spectrum denoting low p values (distinct compositions between time points) and dark green indicating high p values (similar compositions between timepoints).


Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Science Foundation Ireland, the Marine Institute, and the Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre Natural Environment Research Council Lord Kelvin Adam Smith Leadership Fellowship Alltech


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