Springer Nature
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Additional file 10: of A MAGIC population-based genome-wide association study reveals functional association of GhRBB1_A07 gene with superior fiber quality in cotton

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-11-09, 05:00 authored by Md Islam, Gregory Thyssen, Johnie Jenkins, Linghe Zeng, Christopher Delhom, Jack McCarty, Dewayne Deng, Doug Hinchliffe, Don Jones, David Fang
Title: Quantile-quantile (Q-Q) Plot of six fiber traits generated from GWAS analysis following mixed linear model (MLM) using GAPIT software. A) Fiber elongation (ELO), B) Micronaire (MIC), C) Short fiber content (SFC), D) Fiber strength (STR), E) Upper half mean fiber length (UHM), and F) Uniformity index (UI). Description of data: Q-Q plots of six fiber traits generated from GWAS analysis following MLM are included in this figure. The X and Y axis have the expected and observed negative logarithm 10 of p value, respectively generated during GWAS analysis. (DOCX 207 kb)


