Springer Nature
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Additional file 10: Table S4. of Tasquinimod triggers an early change in the polarization of tumor associated macrophages in the tumor microenvironment

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journal contribution
posted on 2015-12-15, 05:00 authored by Anders Olsson, Jessica Nakhlé, Anette Sundstedt, Pascale Plas, Anne-Laure Bauchet, Valérie Pierron, Luce Bruetschy, Adnan Deronic, Marie Törngren, David Liberg, Fabien Schmidlin, Tomas Leanderson
Fold change in protein expression levels of treated tumors compared to control group after 1, 3, 5 and 7 days of exposure using Luminex Technology. (p < 0.05; One way ANOVA). (PDF 44 kb)


