Springer Nature
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Additional file 10: Table S2. of MitoRS, a method for high throughput, sensitive, and accurate detection of mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-04-26, 05:00 authored by Julien Marquis, Gregory Lefebvre, Yiannis Kourmpetis, Mohamed Kassam, Frédéric Ronga, Umberto De Marchi, Andreas Wiederkehr, Patrick Descombes
Haplogroup determination for the CEPH family 1463. The fastA file generated for each individual of the CEPH family 1463 was submitted to the Haplofind tool. Note that N are considered as deletion. When the completion status is “No”, Haplofind was not able to determine the exact subhaplogroup. (DOCX 39 kb)
