Springer Nature

MOESM9 of Genome-wide SNP data unveils the globalization of domesticated pigs

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posted on 2017-09-21, 05:00 authored by Bin Yang, Leilei Cui, Miguel Perez-Enciso, Aleksei Traspov, Richard Crooijmans, Natalia Zinovieva, Lawrence Schook, Alan Archibald, Kesinee Gatphayak, Christophe Knorr, Alex Triantafyllidis, Panoraia Alexandri, Gono Semiadi, Olivier Hanotte, Deodália Dias, Peter Dovč, Pekka Uimari, Laura Iacolina, Massimo Scandura, Martien Groenen, Lusheng Huang, Hendrik-Jan Megens
Additional file 9: Figure S7. Expanded regional plot of Figure S2 showing scenario of admixture for pig breeds and populations in African and Oceanian countries.


Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
