posted on 2019-12-21, 06:33authored byRaphael Hesse, Maica Hurtado, Rosemary Jackson, Samantha Eaton, Abigail Herrmann, Marti Colom-Cadena, Makis Tzioras, Declan King, Jamie Rose, Jane Tulloch, Chris-Anne McKenzie, Colin Smith, Christopher Henstridge, Douglas Lamont, Thomas Wishart, Tara Spires-Jones
Additional file 9: Figure S3. Validation western blots. Validation western blots (uncropped) of AD vs non demented control (NDC) from BA41/42 of people with APOE3/4 genotype. Full blots are shown for PSD95 and alpha-synuclein (a), SOD2 (b), annexin V (c), TMEM97 (d), beta tubulin (e), and total protein at high intensity (f) and low intensity (g). Each of the molecular weight ranges in g were quantified for each lane, shown in (h). Comparisons between proteomics and western blot data are shown in i.