Springer Nature
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MOESM8 of Functional analysis of Plasmodium falciparum subpopulations associated with artemisinin resistance in Cambodia

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posted on 2017-12-19, 05:00 authored by Ankit Dwivedi, Christelle Reynes, Axel Kuehn, Daniel Roche, Nimol Khim, Maxim Hebrard, Sylvain Milanesi, Eric Rivals, Roger Frutos, Didier Menard, Choukri Mamoun, Jacques Colinge, Emmanuel Cornillot
Additional file 8. Classification of 167 samples into artemisinin resistant and sensitive Cambodian subpopulations. a Dendrogram representing the classification of 167 parasite isolates into 8 clusters (k = 8). The pairwise distance between two samples is calculated as the proportion of base substitution between them over the genome. Ward’s minimum variance method is used as the metric to build the dendrogram. Different clusters (subpopulations) are represented with different colors. b The barplot represents the number of isolates in each subpopulation described. “Green” represents ART-S isolates. “Red”, “Yellow” and “Blue” color represents isolates with C580Y, Y493H and R539T k13 mutations, respectively. c The barplot represents the number of isolates in each Cambodian locality (Ratanakiri, Pursat, Tasanh and Pailin) and the colors represent the type of k13 mutation present. d The barplot represents the number of isolates in each locality and the colors represent the associated subpopulation to each isolate.


Agence Nationale de la Recherche
