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MOESM6 of Functional analysis of Plasmodium falciparum subpopulations associated with artemisinin resistance in Cambodia

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posted on 2017-12-19, 05:00 authored by Ankit Dwivedi, Christelle Reynes, Axel Kuehn, Daniel Roche, Nimol Khim, Maxim Hebrard, Sylvain Milanesi, Eric Rivals, Roger Frutos, Didier Menard, Choukri Mamoun, Jacques Colinge, Emmanuel Cornillot
Additional file 6. Criteria and statistics of SNPs with uncertain ALT alleles in the isolates. Uncertain SNPs are defined as the SNPs with more than one ALT allele in at least one of the 167 isolates. a Shows the histogram of uncertain ALT allele frequency. All the SNPs with uncertain ALT allele frequency greater than 40% (dotted blue line at 0.4) were removed from the analyses. b Represents a schematic diagram of different cases considered for SNPs with uncertainties and the decision of substitution taken. Uncertainties were substituted with the most frequent ALT value or REF value in around 17% of the SNPs at this step. c Represents the pie chart with percent of certain SNPs, substituted SNPs and removed SNPs.


Agence Nationale de la Recherche
