Springer Nature
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MOESM5 of Plasmodium falciparum genetic variation of var2csa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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posted on 2018-01-24, 05:00 authored by Robert Verity, Nicholas Hathaway, Andreea Waltmann, Stephanie Doctor, Oliver Watson, Jaymin Patel, Kashamuka Mwandagalirwa, Antoinette Tshefu, Jeffrey Bailey, Azra Ghani, Jonathan Juliano, Steven Meshnick
Additional file 5. Best-fitting GLM compared to data. Black circles represent the median model prediction for each of the 115 clusters, and vertical bars represent the 95% predictive interval. Predictions are presented relative to the observed allelic richness, meaning the model is a good fit wherever the interval crosses the dashed zero line.


UK Medical Research Council
