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MOESM5 of Generation of Plasmodium falciparum parasite-inhibitory antibodies by immunization with recombinantly-expressed CyRPA

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posted on 2016-03-15, 05:00 authored by Paola Favuzza, Simon Blaser, Anita Dreyer, Guy Riccio, Marco Tamborrini, Ralf Thoma, Hugues Matile, Gerd Pluschke
Additional file 5. Titration of administered mAbs in the serum of the passively immunized mice. The concentration of administered PfCyRPA-specific mAbs SB1.6 and c12 in the circulation was estimated by indirect ELISA on day one and eight after injection. For the detection of PfCyRPA-specific mAbs and total circulating IgGs, plates were coated with N-CyRPA or goat anti-mouse IgG (γ-chain specific) mAb (M1397, Sigma), respectively. After blocking, plates were incubated with dilutions of individual mouse serum. An HRP-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG (γ-chain specific) Ab (A3673, Sigma) was used as secondary antibody and TMB as substrate. Standard curves were generated from known dilutions of SB1.6 and c12 mAbs and fit using a 4-PL logistic equation. Concentration of circulating mAbs was calculated by interpolating the absorbance values for the test sera from the standard curves. Reported values are means of three mice per group ± SD.


Uniscientia Stiftung
