Springer Nature
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MOESM5 of Expression of immunogenic structural proteins of cyprinid herpesvirus 3 in vitro assessed using immunofluorescence

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posted on 2016-01-08, 05:00 authored by Sean Monaghan, Kim Thompson, James Bron, Sven Bergmann, Tae Jung, Takashi Aoki, K. Muir, Malte Dauber, Sven Reiche, Diana Chee, Shin Chong, Jing Chen, Alexandra Adams
Additional file 5. Confocal micrographs of FITC fluorescence signals from CyHV-3 infected CCB cells screened with MAbs during infection. The time of sampling is indicated left of the micrographs. The filter channels used during scanning the sections is indicated above the micrographs, i.e. the green channel only shows virus signals for glycoprotein (MAb 10A9) or capsid-associated (MAb 20F10) antigens and blue/green merge shows virus signal in relation to the cell nuclei (blue).


MSD Animal Health
