Springer Nature
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MOESM3 of Helicobacter pylori virulence genes of minor ethnic groups in North Thailand

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posted on 2017-10-11, 05:00 authored by Phawinee Subsomwong, Muhammad Miftahussurur, Ratha-korn Vilaichone, Thawee Ratanachu-ek, Rumiko Suzuki, Junko Akada, Tomohisa Uchida, Varocha Mahachai, Yoshio Yamaoka
Additional file 3. Histological score according to genotype of cagA in Karen ethnic. H. pylori harbored with East-Asian-type cagA (n = 4) induced activity and intestinal metaplasia higher than Western-type cagA (n = 11) genotype (P < 0.05, Mann–Whitney U test)


National Institutes of Health
