Springer Nature
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MOESM3 of Functional analysis of Plasmodium falciparum subpopulations associated with artemisinin resistance in Cambodia

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posted on 2017-12-19, 05:00 authored by Ankit Dwivedi, Christelle Reynes, Axel Kuehn, Daniel Roche, Nimol Khim, Maxim Hebrard, Sylvain Milanesi, Eric Rivals, Roger Frutos, Didier Menard, Choukri Mamoun, Jacques Colinge, Emmanuel Cornillot
Additional file 3. Mapping quality of the 167 samples. The Mapping quality (MQ: Root-mean-square mapping quality of covering reads) values (x-axis) averaged over 167 isolates for each SNP (y-axis) plotted along the genome. The average quality value for each SNP is calculated as the ∑values in different isolates/number of isolates having that SNP. The red dotted vertical lines represent the last SNP in each chromosome and the blue dotted horizontal line represents the MQ value 29. a Average MQ values of all the unique SNPs along the full genome. b Average MQ values of all the unique SNPs in the coding core. SNPs in 100 kb region at the starting and end of all the 14 chromosomes removed.


Agence Nationale de la Recherche
