Springer Nature
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MOESM3 of BMC Ecology Image Competition 2016: the winning images

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posted on 2016-08-09, 05:00 authored by Julia Simundza, Matthew Palmer, Josef Settele, Luke Jacobus, David Hughes, Dominique Mazzi, Simon Blanchet
Additional file 3. “Seconds before the shot, this Chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica) came out of the water after one of its many daily foraging trips that are performed as part after their chicks are born. There is not a second to lose, so after drying its wings a little bit, he would walk up the hill, switch positions with his couple and deliver the most precious goods in this harsh environment. Once the mother is back he will go back to the water and do the best he can one more time. Energy acquisition and a successful foraging behavior is all that matter at this point of the breeding season.” Attribution: Renato Borrás-Chávez (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile).
