Springer Nature
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MOESM2 of Expression of immunogenic structural proteins of cyprinid herpesvirus 3 in vitro assessed using immunofluorescence

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posted on 2016-01-08, 05:00 authored by Sean Monaghan, Kim Thompson, James Bron, Sven Bergmann, Tae Jung, Takashi Aoki, K. Muir, Malte Dauber, Sven Reiche, Diana Chee, Shin Chong, Jing Chen, Alexandra Adams
Additional file 2. Graphical representation of fluorescence from MAbs 20F10 and 10A9 recognising Koi herpesvirus antigens over the course of infection in CCB cells in 96 well microtitre plates. Graphs are of cells analysed during the first day of infection. (A) DAPI fluorescence of cells; (B) Difference of relative FITC to DAPI stain from blank wells at 0 hpi. Red line = MAb 20F10 (Capsid-associated antigen); Blue line = MAb 10A9 (Envelope glycoprotein antigen). Mean Âą SE (n = 4 individual cell cultures).


MSD Animal Health
