Springer Nature
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MOESM19 of Functional analysis of Plasmodium falciparum subpopulations associated with artemisinin resistance in Cambodia

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posted on 2017-12-19, 05:00 authored by Ankit Dwivedi, Christelle Reynes, Axel Kuehn, Daniel Roche, Nimol Khim, Maxim Hebrard, Sylvain Milanesi, Eric Rivals, Roger Frutos, Didier Menard, Choukri Mamoun, Jacques Colinge, Emmanuel Cornillot
Additional file 19. Relationship between k13 alleles and the number of significant mutations in the 57 genes occurring by diffusion in the KHA isolates according to ESD model. A set of 213 mutations were found in common between KHA significant mutations and in at least one ATR-R subpopulation. Horizontal axis corresponds to the number of mutations among the 213 mutations set found in one isolate. Vertical axis refers to the k13 alleles. Matrix gives the number of isolates with corresponding genetic features. Color code refers to k13 alleles: green, wildtype; red, C580Y; blue, R539T; yellow, Y493H.


Agence Nationale de la Recherche
